Saturday, August 08, 2009

'I swore to you, even back then, that this would be nothing but a faint reflection of the smallest efforts of my own mind to make a world - also to be my own. And, I need to tell you, it HAS been done.'
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'You were incredibly indecorous to me; like some Walter Winchell effigy made from the coarsest stone, I stared back, merely wondering where you'd be next. In the alley, the old sieve was still leaking bad water, the oily sheen atop it ran forth towards the gutter. I thought of filth and dirt in the very same way: as something horrid, leaking from my mind. Over you, or not.'
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'Some old hep-cat, crazy-cat dudes on the streetcorner. Calling themselves the "a'Capellas", they soldiered on with twisting voices - each surmounting the next - on some crazy, labored songs from 40 years ago. No one really seemed to care, though some stopped to listen.'
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'She was sitting there a moment too long; guitar in hand, sweetly strumming. The thin, reedy voice, I sensed, maybe a tad too high.'
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'I may have been unable to reach you, simply far away, or distant for deep, dark reasons. I don't recall. What stays with me, however, is some whiff of something bad - in either intent or execution. No matter, it went away when I saw you next.'
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